Term 1, 2025 Summer Season - Year 3 and 4
For any further questions, please email mkjuniornetball@gmail.com
Season dates and times
Woolworths futureFERNS will be run over 8 weeks in Term 1
Saturday, 15th February - Saturday 29th March regular futureFERNS sessions
Saturday, 5th April - Fun Festival Day (Last Game)
Coach/Star Helper Training
Training for Year 1& 2 Star Helpers and Year 3 & 4 Coaches is provided by Netball Central Zone. The date for this training is Thursday 13th February, 2025 from 5.30-7pm in the EBIS Library. It is important that new Coaches/Star Helpers attend this training to gain an understanding of the modified rules of junior netball. Please register through this link: Term 1 Future Ferns Training Session
Please remember to get involved with the teams, helping out our Junior Co-ordinators in the skills rounds in order to ensure your kids get the best possible opportunities through this program!
Each session begins with a skills session, followed by a game (this is arranged by the Junior Co-ordinators on the day). Please check here each week for your round information by clicking on the appropriate button to the right. The site will be updated on Tuesday evenings.
If you have any questions about Junior Netball, please email mkjuniornetball@gmail.com .
- Absolutely no one should come to the courts if they are unwell or showing symptoms of COVID-19.
- Players will need to wear appropriate footwear and have short nails.
- We have a very strict no jewellery rule, this includes watches and earrings, please. We cannot let anyone take to court even if they are taped! Remember this is for the kids' own safety, we don't want them getting hurt! (If you've got a medical bracelet, then cover it with sports tape and that is fine.)
- No dogs, bikes or smoking are allowed on the EBIS courts.
- If netball is cancelled we will notify you via the MK Facebook page on the Saturday morning. https://www.facebook.com/mknetball/
Please click this link for more information about the rules of year 1-4 netball.
Registration process
Player registrations are to be made online by clicking the “Registration Form” next to your school’s name on this webpage:
Registrations closed